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More taste is our unique feature for all Limelco products

Limelco specialises in the production of:

  • Fromage frais
  • Long-life desserts in cans
  • Sterilised milk drinks, protein drinks & buttermilk
  • Cream and milk powder for the industry

More taste is our unique feature for all Limelco products

  • 3 liters of fresh milk for 1 kg of quark
  • Optimal conservation of all flavours and functionalities of our long-life desserts thanks to our UHT sterilisation process
  • 80% of our cream and milk powder comes from cows that live and graze in meadows from spring to autumn

Limelco was founded in 1946 under the name Lilac following a merger of a dozen smaller dairies. Lilac has its roots in the collection of fresh milk from local farmers and in the production of butter and milk for human consumption.


Genkerbaan 75

Tel: +32 (0)11 81 91 20
Email address: info(at)limelco.be


Filling line for long-life desserts in cans


Filing line for milk powder for the industry


Filling line for fromage frais


Storage tanks for fresh milk


Filling line for milk and protein drinks


Desserts in cans production line